5 Examples of Good Travel Blog Names

Some bloggers prefer to have a more creative name for their blog and feel that descriptive names are too boring, but they don’t know where to start and need a bit of inspiration to get going.

If this sounds like you, read on, as we explore and discuss the merits and meanings of the names from 5 leading travel blogs.

1. Kiwis Don’t Fly

This is a unique name. It’s memorable and makes you want to find out more. It’s a strange and bold statement to suggest that Kiwis (people from New Zealand) don’t fly (from a travel perspective). How can that be? Surely not. However, it makes you stop and think, and that’s a powerful hook.

As it turns out, the blog is about the adventures of a Kiwi trying to get from Dublin to Sydney without flying. While this may not be relevant for most people, since there will be very few people with exactly the same goal, there are definitely lots of people travelling overland somewhere between Dublin and Sydney who will be interested in the blog’s content.

2. There and Back

Certainly a common phrase that’s perfectly suited for the name of a travel blog. Unless they’re on a one-way journey, everyone who travels ends up going back to where they started from, so this name resonates in some ways but also states the obvious.

Regardless of the deeper interpretations of the name, it is definitely memorable and should have a high recall rate among people who come across it. The author is blogging about a round the world trip, but this name could be used for all types of travel.

3. Everything Everywhere

An all-encompassing name that could be used for a travel blog and lots of other topics as well. It’s alliterative, makes sense, rolls off the tongue and is memorable, but it’s not particularly catchy or witty as a name for a travel blog.

In fact, it may be a bit too broad in its reach and could make it difficult for the blog’s author to provide enough content to support the claims of the name.

4. Gone East

This name is nice, short, simple and to the point. Both words are relevant to travel and leisure, and they combine perfectly to produce a name that has a primary meaning of suggesting travelling east from the western world to Asia, while it can also be used to describe travels within a country (from the West to East Coast of America) or continent (travelling to Eastern Europe from the West).

5. Overland Tales

A name that gets straight to the point about what the blog is about. Its not overly clever or catchy but it’s memorable and instantly conveys what’s offered. The brand message is clear. The author shares stories and personal experiences from traveling overland. It’s not a guide, it doesn’t offer advice, it shares tales of what the writer has come across when traveling overland from Europe to East Asia.

Now it’s your Turn

Hopefully, these examples should have given you lots of ideas for your blog’s name. Each of them has used a different strategy to create their name and if you adapt the techniques to suit the topic and focus of your blog, you should be able to generate a varied list of possible names to choose from.

Have fun, and happy naming!

Looking for more examples to get ideas? Check out these 7 Memorable Travel Blog Names and 13 Travel Blogs with Cleverly Created Names.