10 Top Travel Domain Names that Sold for a Total of $205,145

Most new travel bloggers don’t know much about the importance of choosing a great name that makes sense and resonates with their blog’s potential audience.

They know even less about internet domains and why it may be worth paying a few hundred bucks to buy the perfect .com domain name.

If the domain name you want has been taken and you feel that the current owner is unreasonable in asking $500 for it, just take a look at these 10 travel-related domains that sold for an average of over $20k each.

  1. worldwidetravel.com $27000
  2. traveljournal.com $25000
  3. travelvietnam.com $25000
  4. travelzoo.jp $24000
  5. discounttravel.co.uk $21765
  6. travelandusa.com $20005
  7. travelmatch.co.uk $17365
  8. itravelmag.com $15010
  9. travelmiles.com $15000
  10. travelzone.com $15000

There is a great deal of value in high quality domains that are meaningful and memorable, so choose your blog’s name wisely and always try to make sure you get the matching .com domain name if you can.

You may not have $25k to acquire a category defining name like TravelVietnam.com or Travel+(Any Country or City you like).com, and a top domain like TravelJournal.com may be totally out of reach, but as you can see, it’s possible to add modifiers such as an ‘e’ or an ‘i’ in front of 2 perfectly matching words too.

So if TravelCambodia.com is taken and too costly, you could go for something like iTravelCambodia.com or MyCambodiaTravels.com.

Alternatively, if you prefer a more creative, witty, and non-descriptive name like most of the ones chosen by the top bloggers, then get your thinking cap on and start playing with relevant puns and clever word-smithing to craft a name that’s funny, cute, quirky or simply awesome.

Source – Namebio.com (The domains listed were transacted privately and on public domain name aftermarkets from 2006 to 2012)